Website Redesign

Greyhound Adoption Month


Greyhound Racing Victoria

Date Completed

June 2024

The Challenge

Sporting Code spearheaded a comprehensive website redesign project for Greyhound National Adoption Month, emphasising user experience (UX) enhancements and creating a captivating online platform. The primary objective was to develop a modern, intuitive website that effectively promotes and supports the adoption of retired racing greyhounds nationwide during the annual adoption month campaign.

Services Include:

Custom Websites

Design Services

Digital Marketing & Advertising

Website Management & Maintenance

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The Outcome

The redesigned Greyhound National Adoption Month website has significantly elevated the campaign’s online presence and impact. By prioritising UX enhancements, engaging design elements, and a cohesive visual identity, Sporting Code has successfully created a user-centric platform that educates, inspires, and encourages visitors to participate in the adoption movement. The intuitive navigation, compelling content, and interactive features contribute to a positive user experience and support the campaign’s mission to find loving homes for retired racing greyhounds nationwide.

Services utilised

Discovery and Research

  • Conducted in-depth research to understand the goals, target audience demographics, and key messaging requirements.
  • Analysed user behaviours and adoption trends to identify opportunities for improving engagement and adoption rates.
  • Studied industry benchmarks and best practices in UX design and adoption awareness campaigns to inform the redesign strategy.

UX Design and Information Architecture

  • Developed detailed user personas and mapped out user journeys to ensure a seamless and intuitive navigation experience.
  • Redesigned the website’s information architecture to prioritise essential adoption information, resources, and educational content.
  • Created wireframes and prototypes to visualise the user interface, focusing on clarity, simplicity, and ease of use.

Visual Design and Branding

  • Revitalised the visual identity of Greyhound National Adoption Month to resonate with key objectives and values.
  • Implemented a contemporary and visually appealing design language, emphasising high-quality imagery, engaging visuals, and a cohesive colour palette.
  • Ensured brand consistency across all website elements, including typography, graphical assets, and thematic imagery.

Measurement and Optimisation

  • Implemented robust analytics tools to monitor user behaviour, adoption enquiries, and campaign performance metrics.
  • Solicited user feedback and stakeholder input to continually refine the website’s usability, functionality, and effectiveness in driving greyhound adoption initiatives forward.
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From the client

Aaron Bell

Digital Marketing Lead

Sporting Code's expertise and dedication have been instrumental in the success of our adoption campaign for GAP. Their strategic approach, creative execution, and attention to detail have helped us reach new audiences, drive meaningful engagement, and ultimately find loving homes for greyhounds in need. We are incredibly grateful for their partnership and ongoing support.

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